Scribbler has been writing fanfic since 1999. She learned about the genre’s existence in the small but tight-knit Earth 2 fandom, and discovered her inner muse when participating in a Finish The Story-challenge. She hasn’t looked back since.
Since that fateful day in 1999, Scribbler has produced over 260 works of fanfic, as well as a handful of original stories and essays. Many of them can be found in various archives all over the internet but áll her work is archived here at
Like for so many people, it wasn’t until the movies that the world of Middle-earth truly came to life for her. Scribbler’s muses are fixated on Boromir, and, in lesser amount, on the other Men of Middle-earth. So expect Boromir!Lives AUs, but not many hobbits or elves here.
The Lord Of The Rings-fandom was also the first to ever see Scribbler write a story of novel-length proportions.